Meet Eleanore

What she didn’t love in kindergarten, though, was reading and anything to do with books. Adding, subtracting, and working math problems was a challenging delight, but don’t even mention the word, “book”. Eleanore’s parents noticed this deep and unusual aversion to reading and reached out to the Learning Place for help and resources. For more than two years, Eleanore has worked with her tutor, Mrs. Bowen, and the difference couldn’t be more dramatic.
While Eleanore now reads at or above grade level, the biggest difference is her self-esteem, confidence, and outlook. Books are now considered prized gifts rather than an embarrassing impediment. Bedtime isn’t bedtime unless there is shared reading of chapter books before night-night. Eleanore is about to finish second grade and is reading a book to get ready to raft Desolation Canyon on the Green River this August with her grandparents. The Learning Place has opened a new world of reading and unlocked Eleanore’s imagination.